Tricia Marcella Cimera
Poem to the Bowl This is my bread and butterpoem to the bowl –to the goodnessof an ordinary object.This poem is to my bowlfull of shells and stonesthat I saved from my sightlessfeet on my favorite beach –to the bowl once used forthe greens my guinea pig ate,that I now keep on my dresser –to the four cat bowls thatI wash every night in dailypractice, in preparation ofthe hungry yowling daybreak –to the bowl of corn flakesand banana slices my motheralways cut for me devotedlyevery morning of my first life –to the bowl of mulligatawnymy father ate with suchslurping gusto, advising me –collector of his words –Girl, you don’t knowwhat you’re missing!This poem is to the bowlthat can only, gladly hold. Tricia Marcella Cimera is a Midwestern poet with a worldview. Her micro chapbook GO SLOW, LEONARD COHEN was released through the Origami Poems Project. Tricia lives with her husband and family of animals in St. Charles Illinois, near a river named Fox, with a Poetry Box in her front yard.